Club Statement

There has been some news reports following our fans meeting on Monday evening which has focussed on the club’s finances.

FC Isle of Man would therefore like to provide some greater context to those reports.

Last season, FC Isle of Man brought over 2,500 visitors to the Isle of Man, mostly during the quieter off-season winter/spring period.

This equated to approximately 5,300 visitor bed nights, and with an estimated contribution around £1.4million to the local economy.

In recognition of this significant contribution, the club was able to secure agreement with Visit Isle of Man to provide the club with an underwrite against loss for last season and this season, for which the club is very grateful.

Our board, the stewards, players, coaches and manager all are unpaid volunteers giving up a considerable amount of time and effort to the community asset that is FC Isle of Man.

We are very thankful to all of our sponsors and supporters who make such a significant contribution to the club, and whilst we work to try and become financially sustainable, the reality of being allowed to compete in the North West Counties Football League makes this a considerable challenge.